Editor’s Note: Ahead of The Forum’s inaugural Career-Integrated Global Learning (CIGL) Conference, GCC’s Kate Moore wrote a short article highlighting several resources from a range of international perspectives that describe or define attributes that may help students succeed in the changing world of work. The text of that article, which was initially posted by The Forum on Education Abroad, follows.
Interested in exploring relevance, responsiveness, and ROI within international education? Looking for frameworks to help guide experiential education programs and support applied learners? Curious about incorporation of employability metrics within program development or outcomes assessment? Uncertain about how to measure and what matters?
Let’s start the discussion with a spin of the globe…
Ahead of The Forum’s inaugural Career-Integrated Global Learning (CIGL) Conference in Milan during October 2023, this short article highlights key resources from a range of international perspectives that describe or define attributes that may help students succeed in the changing world of work.
The ERASMUS Skills Project was designed to help students, practitioners and employers understand the added value that international student mobility brings, regardless of modality.
IEAA (International Education Association of Australia) studied Career Outcomes of Learning Abroad to learn more about how international study opportunities connect to the skills development and employment outcomes of graduates.
McKinsey Global Institute conducted research on the Future of Work to further define and provide policy recommendations that help future-proof citizens’ skills for the world of work.
NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) articulates Competencies for a Career-Ready Workforce as a foundation from which to demonstrate requisite core competencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management.
World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report aims to map the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change and direction of travel.
From the opening keynote on cultural agility in the global workplace to the closing participatory plenary tackling emerging trends within international education, delegates at The Forum’s Career-Integrated Global Learning (CIGL) Conference will have opportunity to build upon these ideas through concurrent sessions and collegial conversations. CIGL participants will share best practices, discuss topics, debate approaches, and explore opportunities while considering the extent to which student mobility or education abroad can enhance career-related knowledge, skills, and attributes.
We do look forward to continuing the conversation during #ForumEAWeek in Milan…and beyond!